
Work & Life Wellbeing

Specialised workshops for corporate organisations and workplaces supporting parents to thrive at their careers & family life

The series of workshops for Parents in the workplace or Mothers Returning to work after maternity leave

Parents are left navigating huge transitions without any support. This capable, powerful ‘workforce’ is suddenly left overstretched, full of guilt, anxiety and overwhelm.

Some of the things that are keeping parents awake at night include:

→ Crying babies or sick children

→ Financial worries: raising childcare and living costs

→ Work-related stress: deadlines, demands and co-working relationships

→ Managing diaries and logistics: drop-offs/pick-ups at nursery, school or activities

→ Mental load and to-do lists: work, well-being, school, household

→ Feeling trapped in a cycle of guilt, sacrificing precious family moments for a demanding career

→ Constant pressure of juggling professional demands and their own and family’s needs. 

The new identity and new challenges are calling for different relationships with time, confidence, clarity, courage, and leadership so that parents can feel able, empowered and in control at their home and work’ lives. This is what we help with.

what we focus on:

What working parents really want is to have a successful career and be attentive & present in their family life without feeling guilty or sacrificing their health.

We facilitate them to become clear on what ‘having it all’ looks like on a personal level and set clear goals, priorities and aspirations at home and work.

We instill powerful mindset reframes of the challenges and expectations they’re identifying with so that participants can become unstuck from unhelpful patterns and take the lead toward their desired outcomes.

We transform working parents’ efficiency, drive, and well-being with practical strategies that work in their everyday.

We deliver results through the STEADY Framework, our unique, holistic approach designed to bring Work-Life balance, fulfillment, and success to every aspect of attendee’s life.

Parents will walk away with:

Mind shift and individual action plan: We help working parents see their challenges in a new light, regain control and devise a clear plan with unique solutions to their own challenges

Improved work-life balance: We help working parents manage their time more effectively, leading to a better balance between work and home life. By learning how to prioritise and set boundaries, working parents can reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.

Enhanced productivity: We help working parents improve their productivity by teaching them how to focus on their priorities, delegate tasks, and manage their time more efficiently. This can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and better overall work performance.

Stress management tools and techniques. We provide working parents with tools and techniques to manage stress and anxiety, such as nervous system regulation activities like mindfulness and somatic experiencing techniques. This can help them cope better with the pressures of work and parenting, leading to a better quality of life.

Improved communication skills, both at work and at home. By learning effective communication strategies, participants can build stronger relationships with colleagues, partners and children.

Career advancement tools: We help working parents develop the leadership skills and confidence to advance in their careers. By setting goals and creating an action plan, they can take steps toward achieving their career aspirations.

Increased confidence to effectively respond to the challenges and pressures of work and family life. We help working parents to effectively ask for help at home and work and build their own infrastructure of support at home and work, which will minimize the negative impact of stress on their mental health and wellbeing.

The more support working families receive the more the organisation’s bottom line benefits.

Focused, fulfilled and supported employees are creative, efficient and proactive at work.


Organisations will receive:

→ Increased productivity: supported employees are more engaged, motivated, and committed to their work, which can lead to higher quality work.

→ Improved customer service: supported parents are more likely to provide better customer service, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

→ Higher retention rates: supported employees are more likely to stay with an organisation, reducing turnover  costs

→ Better teamwork and collaboration: supported employees are more likely to work well with others and collaborate effectively, leading to stronger teams and better outcomes.

→ Innovation and creativity: supported parents are more likely to be creative and innovative, bringing new ideas and approaches to the organization.

→ Positive company culture: Supported employees can help create a positive company culture, where they feel valued and respected. This can lead to a more inclusive, diverse, and welcoming workplace.

→ Improved financial performance: Supported employees can have a positive impact on an organisation’s financial performance, including increased profitability and shareholder value.

→ Improved personal leadership skills – supported employees are likely to demonstrate leadership qualities such as vision, strategic thinking, and decision-making skills. They are more able to inspire and motivate their team members and lead by example.

→ Improved communication skills: Supported employees are likely to communicate effectively with all levels of the organisation and build strong relationships with clients, customers, and partners.

What makes our workshops unique:

We understand that the biggest shortcut to a happier, healthier, and highly profitable work environment is equipping parents with skills, techniques, and mindset that support them to feel capable, resourceful, and resilient in navigating the daily work-life juggle.

We achieve outcomes by working on the physical, energetic, conscious, and unconscious levels via our holistic and unique STEADY Framework

We build 5 pillars of skills simultaneously – raising Awareness, creating the Attitude, building the Belief system, equipping the attendees with daily Techniques to sustain being at their best and Maintaining new thinking and behaviour – by creating routines and habits integrating it and making it part of their daily life.

Why your organisation must invest now:

In an evolving corporate world, supporting working parents is not just vital—it’s imperative.

→ Critical Workforce Component: 75.1% of mothers and 92.6% of fathers are actively working in the UK, making working parents a vital part of your workforce​​.

→ Balancing Act: Almost 3 in 10 mothers (28.5%) and 1 in 20 fathers (4.8%)​ with a child aged 14 years have reduced their working hours due to childcare reasons, indicating a struggle to balance work and family life​​.

→ Turnover Risk: Neglecting working parents, especially women, can lead to higher employee turnover​​. 85% of women leave the full-time workforce within three years of having children.

→ Mental Health Priority: With 54% of working parents reporting negative mental health impacts, like anxiety, depressions and post traumatic stress disorders, addressing wellbeing is crucial for maintaining a productive and engaged workforce​​

→ Impact on Career Progression: Many working parents are losing out on career progression opportunities as they manage their childcare priorities, and many have to reduce their hours or quit their jobs altogether.

Join the forefront of corporations championing employee wellbeing in the UK:

→ Expert-Led Sessions: Delivered by professionals with deep insights into the challenges faced by working parents in the UK.

→ Bespoke Solutions: Tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation and its employees.

→ Practical Strategies: Focused on real-world applications for improving work-life balance and overall wellbeing.


Book a free chemistry call below to see if we’d be a good fit for your business.


How is the training delivered?

Both Zoom and face-to-face are both available. It depends on the company and employees’ needs.

What does the training include?

We provide bespoke, impactful workshops based on the current needs of the organisation. Please book a consultation to discuss these.

Here is an example of what was included in a recent work engagement:

→ Pre-workshop online survey for attendees

→ 1 hour ‘Lunch and Learn’ Masterclass for Working Parents including Q&A – delivered over Zoom or in-person

→ Post-workshop online survey for attendees

→ Feedback Report to HR outlining knowledge gap, trends, and proposed recommendations

→ Follow up 1:1 or Group Coaching sessions for 2 chosen employees or teams

→ Integration 1 hour Follow up ‘Lunch and Learn’ Masterclass for Working Parents in 6 weeks’ time to integrate the learnings

Here are the possible topics we facilitate and teach in all of our trainings:

Work Life Priorities Understood and Redefined

→ Self-Care as a Leadership Pillar

→ Set, Maintaining, and Communicate Boundaries at home and work

→ Understanding the identity Shift to create an Impact at Work and Home

→ Clarity on Values and Beliefs and Dancing with the Inner Critic

→ Mental and Psychical Load – Tools to navigate Stress, Overwhelm, and Exhaustion

→ Equitable Partnership Parenting

→ The coaching approach – practical tools to navigate work and home life daily

→ Customised blueprint for each participant including defining goals, measuring success, planning on the infrastructure of support, and working toward desired outcomes.

What makes Ekaterina Ward corporate training unique and credible?

Ekaterina is a mindset and embodiment coach with over 13 years of experience. She has started her career as a corporate and executive coach and in recent years has taken on the challenge to transform the quality of life for mothers, who run their own 6- figure businesses. Ekaterina understands the struggle of a working parent inside and out and works on a conscious, subconscious, physical, and energetic level to enable participants to lead themselves to the outcomes they desire – in parenthood, business, and life.

Some of Ekaterina’s qualifications include:

Qualified Corporate and Executive Coach

Qualified Personal Performance Coach

Qualified and Accredited NLP Practitioner

Certified Clean Language and Clean Space Facilitator

What is the STEADY Framework?

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the perfect equilibrium between a thriving career and a fulfilling family life can feel like a challenge. That’s where the STEADY Framework comes in – our unique, holistic approach designed to bring balance, fulfillment, and success to every aspect of the attendee’s life.

S – Structure Time Effectively

  • Team Benefit: Learn to maximize efficiency with intelligent time management, aligning professional objectives with family commitments.
  • How It Helps: Guides team members to prioritize and allocate their time wisely, ensuring a well-balanced focus on both career and family responsibilities.

T – Transform Stress into Growth

  • Team Benefit: Equip your team to positively channel stress, turning workplace challenges into opportunities for personal and professional development.
  • How It Strengthens: Offers techniques to manage stress effectively, enhancing team resilience and improving performance in the workplace and at home.

E – Embrace Emotional Intelligence

  • Team Benefit: Foster stronger relationships within the team and with their families through effective emotional understanding and management.
  • How It Connects: Training in emotional intelligence boosts communication skills, leading to more cohesive teams and deeper family connections.

A – Align Individual and Team Goals

  • Team Benefit: Harmonize team members’ personal aspirations with their professional goals, driving unified success.
  • How It Guides: Workshops on goal alignment ensure that team members are pursuing collective success without compromising their family’s happiness.

D – Develop a Supportive Network

  • Team Benefit: Encourage building a strong network of professional and personal support for all-round success.
  • How It Supports: Promotes the creation of a supportive environment, including colleagues and family, who understand and support each team member’s dual roles.

Y – Yield Lasting Results

  • Team Benefit: Implement sustainable practices for ongoing success and satisfaction in both work and family life.
  • How It Sustains: Emphasizes long-term strategies over quick fixes, ensuring that changes have a durable and positive effect.

Why Your Team Needs the STEADY Framework

  • Proven Success: Adopted by successful teams who have experienced its transformative impact on work-family balance.
  • Tailored for Teams: Customizable to your team’s specific needs, ensuring maximum relevance and effectiveness.
  • Expert Guidance: Developed by top work-life balance experts, combining the latest research with practical strategies.
Do you design and deliver bespoke trainings to our corporate needs?

Workshops can be off the shelf or bespoke to your needs.

I have booked the chemistry call. What will be covered in the call?

Ekaterina would love the opportunity to introduce herself to your HR contact, understand the company values and needs and what the company perceives to be the main challenges, affecting the top performance of working parents. Ekaterina can then be able to put together a bespoke proposal that will be highly impactful for business as well as quality of life of working parents.

Other areas that we will discuss on this call will include the length of workshop, who will specifically benefit to attend, main learning areas, suggested title, number of attendees, budget and how we will provide a unique and impactful experience based on your needs.

What happens after the chemistry call?

You will receive a bespoke, clear, concise and tailored plan (proposal), specific to the needs of your company to get you moving forward. 

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