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frequently asked questions

What is coaching with you?

I see my role as a coach in creating and holding a ‘thinking space’ for a client, so that they can unload the invisible mental and emotional load and in doing so be able to see patterns, resources and solutions to their own challenges they weren’t able to see before AND make decisions from that place.

I will listen – actively and deeply noticing your non-verbal communication and facilitate “response-ability” – i.e. strengthening your ability to choose the response to external factors that will serve you best in moving forward.

I will ask questions aiming to invite you to see a fresh perspective & different way of thinking OR direct your attention to the blind spots of your thinking and behaviour OR sometimes just remind you to cut the noise and trust who you really are.

I am qualified and accredited NLP Practitioner, Corporate & Executive Coach, Personal Performance Coach, Clean Language and Clean Space Facilitator and combine all modalities in my coaching.

My ethos is to integrate the principles of coaching into your daily behaviour and equip you with advanced techniques to make resourceful behaviours stick beyond the end of our coaching relationship.

This is achieved by working on 5 levels simultaneously – raising Awareness, creating the Attitude, building the Belief system, equipping you with Techniques you can use daily to sustain being at your best and Maintaining new thinking and behaviour – by creating routines and habits integrating it and making it part of your daily life.  

What’s the difference between coaching and counselling?

Although some of the skills used by coaches and therapists may be the same, coaching is not counselling or any kind of psychotherapy, and it should not be used as a substitute for either. While counselling and other forms of therapy tend to focus on a client’s past and the issues that may be preventing them from moving forward, coaching focuses on where the client wants to be in the future and concentrates on getting them there more quickly and sustainably than if they were trying to do it alone. Although looking at the past is part of the process, coaching focuses on future possibilities, making decisions and taking action to progress forward.

What can I expect of you if I decide to work with you?

  • Complete confidentiality. I will never discuss anything you have told me during our sessions, with anyone else (unless I am required to by law).
  • I will always be on time and present for our allocated timeslot (i.e. solely focused on you and your goals).
  • I will provide a non-judgemental, non-critical stance, in a safe environment that allows you to be completely open and honest.
  • I will be constructive, curious and encouraging. I will have a ton of empathy. I will aim to direct your attention to your blind spots. I will aim to help you find another perspective or reframe your existing limiting narrative to an empowering one. I will always be on your side.

I will ask lots of questions and I will listen with all my senses, like my life depends on it.

What will be expected of me?

  • A willingness to grow
  • Being honest and open – even when things are tough
  • 100% commitment and dedication to move forward daily – even with small micro steps
  • Willing to take action. Coaching will not work if the client is inactive
  • Punctuality. This is important if you are to get the most out of your sessions.

How will I be coached?

You will be coached by Zoom. You will be given a link to my private room where I will be waiting 5 mins before our scheduled call. I can record our calls for you to listen back, if that is what you require. I will NOT record unless you request this service.

What will happen during a session?

This is about you so you will do most of the talking. I provide the tried and tested framework, and the agenda and content are all yours. At the start of the coaching relationship you will tell me what you wish to work towards, and I will guide you into breaking it down into measurable mini goals. Each next session will then focus on one of these mini goals, exploring all that is on the topic. By the end of each session you will have come up with a list of solid actions you will have agreed to complete by the time of your next session. The beauty of it, I will facilitate you to come out of the session with a list of actions that WILL bring you the highest returns and ARE the best use of your time.

How will you hold me accountable?

As your coach, your success and your happiness matter to me. That is why I do everything on my side to keep you accountable: I work with you to break big goals down into actionable steps. I give you the ability to email me or message me whenever you need a bit of support. And I check in with you every single week (unless I’m on holiday). As the client, it’s your job to do the work and be responsible for your own success. My clients have told me that the regular accountability check-ins, combined with a reduction in overwhelm following our calls and emails, help massively. And when life does happen – as it does for everyone, including me – I’m always there to bring your big goals back into focus and help you figure out why things didn’t go as planned and how you can get back on track.

What is private on demand message support?

Voxer (a free walkie-talkie voice/text message app) is a free messaging app that is similar to WhatsApp. It is easy to download and use and so powerful as enables you to reach out to me to build some serious momentum or ask for support when you need it. I will be able to respond between 9am – 4pm UK time.

How often can I contact you?

You are free to contact me at any time. I will take care of my own boundaries: I take weekends off, I generally only respond to emails within the hours of 9 – 4 UK time, and I’ll let you know in advance if I’m planning a holiday. I’ll also let you know if I think your emails or messages need to wait until the next call. It’s so important for me to let you know that you have me here alongside you every step of the way – and I want you to take advantage of that! So please do know that you can send me messages, emails or voice notes at any time. Even if I don’t reply instantly, my clients often find that writing things out, or sending me a voice note about what they’re up to, is massively useful to help them move forward while they wait for a reply.

Do you offer any other 1: 1 packages?

I also offer 6 months private 1:1 package and a one-off day of Voxer mentoring.  If you want to know more about any of these OR have a custom time period in mind, get in touch and I’ll provide you with the details.

Do you offer any other payment plans?

I offer a 6-month payment plan as standard for my 6-month package. If you need to pay over a longer period, I may be able to extend the plan even further. Just get in touch and we can discuss.  

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